It's time to build a new one together.
Behind Pilgrim Health is a team of medical doctors and entrepreneurs who have witnessed firsthand how broken the health care system is in the Philippines. Even after the passing of the Universal Health Care act in 2019, millions of Filipinos are still being left behind. There is a dire need for the private sector to step up, and this is where we all come in. We need to do more - but not just more of the same. We need to find different ways of of financing and delivering health care services.
By 2030, our goal is to provide better health care for 1,000,000 Filipino employees.
If this resonates with you, then you are part of our tribe. Together, let's journey together towards the kind of health system that all Filipinos deserve to have.
The traditional health care system is not designed to keep us healthy.
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What is "Virtual Primary Care"?
The Way Care Was Always Meant To Be: A TEDx talk by Dr. Sarah Schenck of ChristianaCare.
Our Founder with Dr. Sarah Schenck
Dr. Schenck shared their best practices and learnings in virtual primary care practice at ChristianaCare, a Delaware-based hospital.
DPC Model x Virtual Care = Virtual Primary Care
"Direct Primary Care is an innovative alternative path to insurance drive health care. Typically, a patient pays their doctor a low monthly membership and in return, the patient builds a lasting relationship with their doctor has their doctor at their fingertips."
-Dr. Maryal Concepction (MyDPCStory)
Direct Primary Care (DPC) Model
Virtual Care
Virtual care is the new kind of "home visit" where doctors and care practitioners are available to provide care to patients while they are in the comfort of their own homes. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us relied on telemedicine to access health care services. Virtual care is convenient, fast, and more affordable.